Scholarships. The GSVKC proudly sponsors a college scholarship program and follow on program intended for use toward a degree in animal health care. See the Scholarships page for more information and application forms.
AKC Pet Disaster Relief helps local Emergency Management provide animal care services immediately following a disaster. Locally, the GSVKC is a sponsor of the AKC Pet Disaster Relief trailer that is stocked with essential supplies to house pets in the critical first few days after a disaster. The trailer supplies include crates, pet carriers, bowls, collars, leashes, and much more to assist in caring for pets until they are reunited with their owners. akcreunite.org
Spay and Neuter. The GSVKC supports a program to spay and neuter dogs in the Greater Sierra Vista area. For information on low-cost clinics and other assistance that may be available, please contact:
Border Animal Rescue (520) 432-7964 borderanimalrescue.vpweb.com
Cochise County Humane Society (520) 458-7164 cochisecountyhumanesociety,org
Responsible Dog Ownership (RDO) Making the most of life with your dog. See our RDO page for helpful information on this valuable program.
Tucson AKC Pet Disaster Relief trailer stocking up to assist in Cedar Creek Fire - June 2016

Sponsors of the Tucson based relief trailer